A mysterious troupe of performers appear the night after the sudden death of a young girl in a rural New England village. As the night grows darker, they take over the village with performances in the most unexpected of places. Their acts defy gravity. Their voices hypnotize. Their motives are unclear...
Cyrkus Vampyr is an immersive theatrical outdoor circus rooted in the mythology of the mid-19th century “New England Vampire Panic” as well as the stories of Eastern European circus troupes that toured the young United States at that time.
Cyrkus Vampyr is written and directed by P.J. Griffith and is produced by ClockJack Productions, American Circus Theatre and Old Sturbridge Village. The production is managed by Rhys Simmons and stage-managed by Amber Neilson. Costumes are designed by Carrie Madura. Alicia Ricci is the Production Assistant.
Cyrkus Vampyr ran sold out runs at Old Sturbridge Village every Friday Saturday and Sunday of October 2022, 2023, 2024
Cyrkus Vampyr was named THE BEST HALLOWEEN EXPERIENCE IN NEW ENGLAND by The Providence Journal in 2024